If you applied a color-coded cat-scan to our brains, it would kinda of look like this:

And that’s because after spending more than two decades writing business plans, and helping companies think through their messaging strategies, we’ve developed an ability to think about marketing, public relations, and business development as one holistic discipline.

You see, in marketing- It’s all connected. That’s why you need a messaging strategy that’s all connected too. After all, when the messages in your business plan, your news stories, and your website connect, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.

Here at Headspace, getting things to “connect” is our proverbial “holy grail.” That’s because we intuitively know that a powerful compelling message can make -

Customers buy.

Partners call.

Reporters Write.

and Angels invest.

And that’s why we love doing what we do. Ready to have your story connect? Let’s chat!

A Message From our Founder

The moment someone tells me about their new business, I instantly become interested, and my mind starts racing with possibilities. This natural curiosity has inspired me to spend the bulk of my career in the tech industry, serving as either a Marketing or Business Development exec for companies such as AIR2LAN, Acts Power, Axxestel, Litego, and Cosmic Bridge. In addition to my corporate work, I have extensive experience working as a investigative journalist for a newspaper, and serving as the owner of a production company in Hollywood, CA.