Monthly Plans.

  • Social Media, Newslettering and basic Promotion.

    For businesses that simply need to keep a steady line of communications between their clients (existing and potential), and who need to stay active on social media, Headspace will dedicate between 4-5 hours per month, ensuring that you stay “top of mind” with the public.

  • Corporate Communications.

    For companies looking to generate collateral materials, improve messaging, create ad campaigns, generate press releases or sponsorship decks, improve website copy, (or launch a new website entirely), Headspace will dedicate 18-20 hours per month to provide a variety of corporate marketing and PR services.

  • Business Planning, Investor Relations, and Strategy.

    With years of experience writing business plans for the telecom and high-tech industry, Headspace has the ability to help take an idea written on the back of a napkin, and turn this idea into an executive summary, a business plan, or an investor’s presentation.