Because creativity is a gift.

Here at Headspace, we celebrate all types of creativity, realizing that every single one of our creative pursuits will broaden the way we see the world, and allow us to infuse whatever we see, notice, observe, and feel, into our work.

In that spirit, here are some of the “extracurricular” and yes…- at times- random projects that we embrace, from time to time.

American Music is Gorgeous.

As a musician (Vinay), I feel rather lucky to have lived through a Golden Age of American music- both as fans, and as creators. Here’s an essay that tries to capture the way I feel about American music, in general.

We Used to be Really Bad at Computers.

Sometimes I like to write nostalgic articles about living in the 1990’s, and in these articles, I absolutely love making fun of my family. This is an article about how my mom, my dad, my sister, and myself (Vinay) took advantage of the kindness of technical strangers. Call us the Blanche Dubois of technical codependency, if that makes any sense.


A Lifetime in Telecom