Because sometimes, you need something simple.

Recently, Headspace was tasked with creating a brand for a small, local San Diego investor’s group. The task entailed a) creating a name, b) articulating a mission, and c) developing a suite of collateral materials (IG page, FB page, Deck, Mailout).

We included our work for San Diego-based investor’s group The Green Scene, because it illustrates our ability to keep things simple.

In the world of marketing, sometimes you need a social media post, sometimes you need a brochure, and sometimes- (when you’re really taking the time to introduce yourself), you need a deck.

Because San Diego-based investor’s group The Green Scene wanted to provide extensive information about their financial club to prospective members, Headspace created a deck that people could quickly flip through.

For The Green Scene, we created a 5-6 page deck, explaining the group’s mission

While we’ve become known in the industry for the effectiveness of our business plans, we also love helping small businesses and organizations communicate with their members or clients via social media.


A Business Plan for a San Diego Tech Startup


Creating a Mission-Based Restaurant