The Wild Cow- A Beloved Nashville Institution

When Headspace founding member Melanie Bhagat was in grad school at Vanderbilt, she kept imagining what it would be like to start a modern vegetarian restaurant in Nashville. Specifically, she wanted to start a veggie place where the food spoke for itself, and didn’t try too hard to masquerade as faux “chicken” or faux “beef” concoctions. (Rather than work with raw materials that could be stretched, manipulated, and completely transformed into something loosely resembling a meat patty- Melanie and hubby John began doing the things the hard way- hand cooking every vegetable that went into their delectable black bean burger.)

After the concept for “the cow” was hatched, Melanie’s brother (and Headspace founder) Vinay wrote the business plan, John designed the menu, and Melanie completely took over restaurant operations. Ten years later, The Wild Cow has turned into a local Nashville institution, with vegetarians often traveling to our place from countless cities, just to see what the fuss is all about.


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