Our Work for Legalease Solutions

All across America, law firms are realizing that they need to automate the way that they draft and handle contracts. Otherwise, the administrative work associated with juggling paperwork eventually begins to eat into legal profits.

Enter- Legalease, a cutting edge legal software company, based in Dallas, Texas. Legalease custom-designs software that helps law firms automate their workflow, allowing firms to spend significantly less time doing paperwork, and more time thriving & growing.

Because Legalease’s services are so valuable and in-demand, they needed a sales and marketing partner that could-

a) Help them maximize their growth by optimizing marketing campaigns, and PR activity.

b) Custom-design a lead-generation system that was totally synched with their PR and marketing efforts.

Essentially, Legalease came to Headspace with the need for a comprehensive sales, marketing, and PR strategy- a “Gestalt-like” strategy whose whole needed to be bigger than the sum of its individual parts.

To put it mildly, working on projects such as these are ideal for Headspace. The opportunity to custom-design a plan where sales, marketing, and PR communicate with one another allows Headspace to place equal weight on strategy and creativity- our sweet spot.

work in progress

work in progress

Headspace is currently working with Legalease’s Senior Management team to custom-design a sales, marketing, and PR plan.


A Brand Revamp for a Hollywood Production Company


Event Marketing for a Business Networking Group